MG Review: Google Shopping Express


When I signed up to be a pilot tester for Google Shopping Express earlier this year I figured I would never really have a reason to use the service—it sounded great in theory but how many times would I really need something urgently delivered the same day, even with a baby in the house? Well, It didn't take long for me to be proven wrong. 

One morning, due to husband/wife miscommunication I found myself at staring at the bottom of a box of baby wipes. Basically after the morning change I was going to be down to the diaper bag stash—and then empty. It was already an incredibly busy day and even figuring out how to get ahold of more wipes just stressed me out. Luckily my moment of panic passed when I realized I could take advantage of Google Shopping Express to get some wipes the same day. Since I'm in the pilot period my delivery was free, so I jumped online and placed my order, throwing in some other staples we were nearly out of. In a few hours a uniformed delivery driver arrived with my goodies and I was sold. 

Since that first time I've used the service to help with everything from party prep to last minute travel errands. Again, its not an everyday thing, but there have been a few times where something I needed was magically left off the grocery list, and Google Shopping Express fills the gap wonderfully.

The Shopping Express website is incredibly easy to use (there's also an app), and the range of stores will cover just about anything you could need. Target, Babies 'R Us, REI, Staples--they are all there with a huge range of products. Run out of your favorite L'Occitane hand cream? That's available too. I did research and discovered that the prices are the same as what you'd find in store. So while free delivery is in place, the cost of your items (plus tax) is all that you pay. And you're snuggled at home with one less thing to worry about. Score!

If you're in San Francisco or the Peninsula, sign up for Google Shopping Express and get six months free delivery. Enjoy!