Big Latch On 2014 At SF City Hall!

Last year I joined an awesome crew of nursing mamas at the Golden Gate Bridge to take part in the Big Latch On. It was a great morning and we even made the paper the next day!

That's Mia and I in the middle of the group above with the orange wrap. Not surprisingly it was a little chilly that day.

That's Mia and I in the middle of the group above with the orange wrap. Not surprisingly it was a little chilly that day.

This year we're doing it at another iconic San Francisco location—City Hall! Join us on August 1 at 10am. Latch on time is 10:30am! Get all the details and RSVP on Facebook

If you're not familiar with the Big Latch On, it's a day (this year two days) where mamas nurse babies around the world at the same time. It's during World Breastfeeding Week, running August 1-7th this year. The goal? Building community among families while normalizing breastfeeding. And it totally works! I made a few friends at last year's event that I still hang out with today and I'm really excited to be involved with hosting the 2014 edition. 

If you're not in San Francisco don't fret, there are events happening across the Bay Area and around the world! Visit to find an event in your area or you can host one!