Get Your Recycle On and Win a $100 Amazon Giftcard

Recycling is a way of life in San Francisco. We have three bins at my house for trash, composting and recycling—the recycling bin is twice the size of the others and always full! I personally love knowing we are doing our part to help keep unnecessary trash out of landfills, but I just realized the bathroom is a place where a lot of recycling could be happening too, which is why I'm really excited to team up with Bloggin' Mamas to support a new campaign from the Ad Council and Keep America Beautiful called "I Want To Be Recycled!"

Accord­ing to a recent study con­ducted for the Ad Coun­cil, 52% of Amer­i­cans don’t know which items can be recy­cled in the bath­room. And only 10% of Amer­i­cans have a recy­cling bin in their bath­room, com­pared to the 45% who have them in the kitchen. And really, who is going to carry there stuff from the bathroom to the kitchen when its so convenient to just toss it?

That’s why the “I Want To Be Recycled” campaign has partnered with Vevo’s Do It YourSelfie with Tess and Eva, who recreate the looks from today’s hottest music videos. These two glam experts, known for their DIY hair, makeup and design tips, created a new PSA this Earth Day reminding Americans that those bathroom products deserve to be recycled too!

Check out a quick video they made on how to recycle old clothes into a new bath mat (I'm totally doing this):

Whether it’s hairspray, leave-in conditioner or dry shampoo, many of your favorite beauty products and packaging can take on another life through recycling. For example, your shampoo bottle could be recycled into a hairbrush, or you might find a great new dress made from the recycled plastic of your favorite bottle of lotion. And there's a great new website called I Want To Be Recycled where you can learn more about what your personal care products can become when properly recycled.

And Now the Giveaway!

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own. If you have any questions or would like to run your own giveaway with Bloggin' Mamas, please email